Here is the duel test format.
All Staff will use this format to test, and re-test students. Below, are the decks that are not allowed by Testers :
- Meta
- Stall
- Burn
- Mill
Below are the decks not allowed by Students:
- Meta
- Burn
All decks considered Meta are posted below:
- Elemental Dragons
- Mermails
- Bujin
- Spellbook/Prophecy
- Chaos Dragons
Here's the actual testing rubric used to grade the students:
Deck Size: 40-42 = 10/10 | 43-45 = 5/10 | 46+ = 0/10
Cards in Deck: 5/5
Quickness of Deck: 10/10
Attitude: 5/5
Deck Consistency: 10/10
Skill with Deck: 10/10
Knowledge of Rulings: 10/10
Siding: 5/5
Originality: 10/10
Games Won (Tester-Testee): 0-2 or 1-2 = 30/30 | 2-1 = 15/30 | 2-0 = 0/30
Total: 105/105
Helios: 70-
D.D. Survivor: 70-90
Black Luster: 90+
Caius Dorm: Invitation Required
You can re-test by paying DP and having a required amount of posts.
Test to get into D.D. Survivor Dorm - 500 DP and 50 posts.
Test to get into Eclipse Wyvern Dorm - 1000 DP and 100 posts.